"WHO STOLE THE TARTS?": Alice in Wonderland, Chap. 11

"WHO STOLE THE TARTS?":                               Alice in Wonderland, Chap. 11
From Arthur Rackham's illustrations (1907) to Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", 1865

venerdì 30 aprile 2010

Il palazzaccio at the beginning of the 20th century

Dear all,
your collegue Flava Mancini sent me these old pictures on the Court of Cassation taken when it was under construction or after the inauguration (1911). You can also see a beautiful picture of the entire area, with Castel Sant'Angelo in the background and the inauguration of the monument dedicated to Camillo Benso Conte di Cavour (1895): enjoy!

11 commenti:

  1. fiuuuu! what wondoerful photos!
    I love the old photos... you can imagine many stories looking for example the car (a model of the 1920's) passing near the Palace of Justice...

    do tou know the year of each photo?

  2. Thank you very much Flavia!they are lovely and very interesting!


  3. Thank you!
    Despite what most of the people say, I think that this building is not so hugly, on the contrary...I find it particular. Yes, probably it would have been improvable in some details, but my overall opinion is not so negative...

  4. ..I have to say thanks to Flavia that always send us lots of links and interesting things.These pics are awesome!!

  5. Good morning everybody!
    Thank you, Flavia Mancini, these photos are really beautyful! I love ancient pictures and I raelly love the Court of Cassation!!!
    About our tour I will know something in these days, but I want to share with you another opportunity to go there, for free:


    Perhaps you already know ELSA, the European Law Students' Association; they give you the possibility to visit the Court next saturday, the 8th.
    Unfortunately I wont'be free, so for me it is still better on the 20th or 21st, but, as it seems to be an interesting event, I've said it to you.

    All the best,
    Flavia Famà

  6. Thanks for all the interesting photos and links....! These pictures are really nice and all the links are useful!

  7. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  8. Wow! the atmosphere of these images seem surrealistic compared to the current chaotic situation of the center...
    I think that old pictures like these have the power to give the concept of the Supreme Court back to the original majesty; so thank you Flavia!


  9. Dear all,
    thanks to Stefania Gialdroni for publishing them!
    If you want to see some old photos about Rome I suggest you to search the group "ROMA SPARITA" on facebook.
    It's a very interesting group founded some months ago and it contains old photos about Rome (the last you can find are about 1990!) divided into each "RIONE" or "MUNICIPIO", so you can easily find photos about the area in which you live!
    See you next week!

    Flavia Mancini

  10. I forgot to tell you that on the page "Roma Sparita" you can find near each photo the place and the date (for Emanuele: there you can see the date and the year about the photos published)
    For the Erasmus students:
    now the page is available also in english!:)

    See you!
