"WHO STOLE THE TARTS?": Alice in Wonderland, Chap. 11

"WHO STOLE THE TARTS?":                               Alice in Wonderland, Chap. 11
From Arthur Rackham's illustrations (1907) to Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", 1865

giovedì 27 maggio 2010

Law ands..in Germany

This link is just to have an idea of the possible developmentes of "Law and the Humanities". This is a Summer School in Weimar:

lunedì 24 maggio 2010

Your privacy

Dear all,
because of privacy laws, I am not allowed to write your notes on the blog. You will receive a personal email this evening.

Registration Oral Exam

Dear students,
in order to register for the oral part of the "Law and the Humanities" exam (prenotazione) you have to look for the Italian translation of the title of the course: "Diritto e cultura". Remember also NOT to specify in which "corso di studi" you are.

domenica 23 maggio 2010

The Court of Cassation, finally!

We were there! This picture witnesses that the L&H group 2010 finally managed to visit the Court of Cassation.
Thank you very much for having chosen this course and for your participation during the last months.
Special thanks to Flavia for the organisation of the tour.
Best wishes to you all

giovedì 20 maggio 2010

Test results: tomorrow evening

Dear all,
the results will be published on the blog tomorrow evening. See you in front of the Court of Cassation tomorrow at 10:00!

lunedì 17 maggio 2010

About the written exam

Dear all,
here a couple of information about the written exam that will take place on Wednesday:
1) Number of questions: you will have to answer 2 questions, one about law and the humanities or law and literature in general and one about the topic that you like the most (there will be 10 questions and you can choose the one you prefer).
2) Time: You will have 1:30 h. to write max. 2 pages (one for each question).
3) What to bring: you have to bring just a pen. We will give you the sheets. No vocabulary will be admitted.

Try to write short sentences and express your ideas in a clear way. You don't have to use very complicated words. Read some of the articles that you received during the course and if you want you can quote them (the name of the author, the beginning of the title and the year will be sufficient. If you remember also the review, of course it would be great).

Good luck!

giovedì 13 maggio 2010

Class in room 1 tomorrow

Due to the student's elections, we will have class in ROOM 1, instead of room 4 on Friday the 14th May.

mercoledì 12 maggio 2010

No class tomorrow

Dear all,
on Thursday 13th there will be no L&H class because of the elections. We have still to understand if there will be a free room on Friday. Check the blog tomorrow!
See you next week

Court of Cassation: if you want to come you have to register!

Dear all,

as you already know, Flavia Famà organised our tour to the Court of Cassation. A penal judge will join us to explain the role and the activities of the Court. The good news is that we are going to do this for free!

We are supposed to stay at the main entrance on Friday 21st before 10:00, in order to start our tour at 10:00 o’clock.

Flavia needs a comlpete list in order to send it to the security. I know that she has already written an e-mail to all you and that maybe you have already answered to the proposal commenting older posts on this blog. Anyway, I think that you could also write your name HERE, commenting THIS POST. It should be a kind of definitive list.

See you later!

lunedì 10 maggio 2010

About the written exam on May 19th 2010

Dear students,
this post is just to be sure that you understood how we will test you. The exam will take place as follows:

1) Written part:
- May 19th, starting from 2:00 pm
- 2 questions: one on Law and the Humanities in general, one on the topic that you like the most. Several quite general questions will be prepared for you.
- No vocabularies, no texts, only a pen and a sheet: you have to write what you remember in the best way you can and that's all.
- You don't have to write any essay before! If you absolutely want to write something at home you can do it, send it to me and prof. Conte and talk about it during your oral exam. In any case, the written exam will consist in what you are going to write in the classroom on Wednesday 19th.
- I am still not sure about the time that you will have at your disposal. In any case, not less than one hour!

2) Oral part:
I will publish the results of the written exam on the blog. Than we will have a little chat, mostly about your written exam. You can come on the same dates of the exam of "storia del diritto medievale e moderno" (A-L). (9 and 24 June, 21 July).

Una lezione aperta a tutti gli interessati!

Esiste un legame tra diritto e musica?

Se siete interessati a conoscere la risposta a questa domanda, venite alla lezione di:


Nel quadro del corso di lezioni in lingua inglese “Law and the Humanities”

Prof. Emanuele Conte

Prof. Giorgio Resta (Università di Bari)


M° Enrico Maria Polimanti (Pianista)

La lezione, che si terrà in lingua inglese, è aperta a tutti gli interessati

Università RomaTre, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza

Via Ostiense 161- 163, Rome

12 Maggio 2010, AULA 8, ore 14:00

Per maggiori informazioni: http://landh2010roma3.blogspot.com

12th May 2010: Prof. Resta and M° Polimanti on Law and Music - Special long lecture

Dear all,
the end of the course is quckly approaching and next Wednesday we will hear Prof. Resta, from the University of Bari, explaining us the possible connections and similarities between law and music while M° Enrico Maria Polimanti will play the piano. As you certainly understand, this is a very special event and it would be great if you could promote it and invite other people. The lecture will take place, as usual, at 2:00 pm, room 8 but it will last a little bit longer (we should end at 5:00 pm). I'll write another post in a fiew minutes with the official poster!


Law & music might appear as one of the most recent and less investigated frontiers of the law & literature movement. To some extent this is true. However, the interface between law and music has also been the subject of important studies in ancient times (Plato in particular), in the middle age (one of the first examples is the anonymous treatise of the fourteenth century Ars cantus mensurabilis mensurata per modus iuris) and during the twentieth century. Prominent legal scholars have written about musical estethics and musicology (Pugliatti) and at the same time several important composers and musicians have been trained in the law (among the others C. P. E. Bach, Schumann, Stravinsky, Nono).

The most important intersection between the two disciplines is represented by the theory of interpretation. Interpreting and performing a score raises a set of questions involves a range of problems not entirely different from interpreting a constitution, a statute, a regulation, or even a legal precedent. Lawyers have frequently confronted themselves with the theory of musical interpretation, in order to enhance their self-comprehension of the legal techniques of interpretation (J. Frank, E. Betti). Not by chance, we can find the same debates between originalists, intentionalists and contextualists in law and in music as well.

During the lecture Prof. Resta will focus: a) on the relationship between law, music and power in a historical perspective; b) on the idea of authenticity in law & music; c) on the ideology of interpretation and interpretivism. Maestro Enrico Maria Polimanti will play music by Giustini, Chopin and Janáček, illustrating the most important intellectual trends and the practical problems of interpretation day by day faced by a musical performer.

  1. L. Janáček (1854-1928) Sonata I. X 1905
  2. F. Chopin (1810-1849) Polonaises op 26, Scherzo op 39
  3. L. M. Giustini (1685-1743) Suonata VII in sol maggiore

Levinson S. / Balkin J.M., Law, Music, and Other Performing Arts, in "University of Pennsylvania Law Review", 139.6 (1991), pp. 1597-1658.

C.V. Prof. Giorgo Resta:
Giorgio Resta is an Associate Professor of Comparative Law at the University of Bari, Italy, where he teaches courses on private comparative law, contracts and intellectual property. He is author of three books and numerous articles on privacy, fundamental rights, contracts and torts in comparative perspective. He edited the Italian translation of Hesselink’s “New European Legal Culture”. His book “Autonomia privata e diritti della personalità” has been selected as one of the best legal books of year 2005 by the Italian “Club dei giuristi”. He is currently serving as member of the scientific board of the Legislative Committee for the reform of third book of Italian Civil Code, appointed by the Italian Ministry of Justice. He is member of the Italian Association of Comparative Law and editor of “Il diritto dell’informazione e dell’informatica” and “Rivista critica del diritto privato”. He received several scholarships from the Canadian Government (Faculty Research Program), the Max-Planck-Institut für Internationales und Ausländisches Privatrecht (Hamburg, Germany), the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Patent-, Urheber- und Wettbewerbsrecht (Munich, Germany) and the Italian Research Council. He has been visiting scholar in the Yale Law School, the McGill Law School, the Law School of the University of Toronto, the Duke Law School, the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität (Munich, Germany), the Max-Planck-Institut für Internationales und Ausländisches Privatrecht (Hamburg, Germany). In 1995 he graduated with magna cum laude from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. In 1999 he received his PHD in Private Law from the University of Pisa. He is member of the Italian bar. His principal academic interests are privacy, information property, media-law, contract and legal history.

C.V. M° Enrico Maria Polimanti, pianist:
Enrico Maria Polimanti studied piano and chamber music at the Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia. Awarded of the prestigious Foundation Scholarship of the Royal College of Music, he moved to London where he studied with Yonty Solomon. Once back in Italy he attended courses at Accademia Chigiana di Siena, at the Scuola Superiore Internazionale del Trio di Trieste. He also took part in numerous international master classes given by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, András Schiff. He won several prizes in Italy, among them: Hyperion chamber music competition 2001(first prize), Euterpe 2003 (first prize, also special prize “Duo Binetti”), “Pietro Argento” 2003 (first prize, also “Prize of the Critics”), Seghizzi International Song Competition 2004 (“Prize for best pianist”). He plays as soloist and in chamber ensembles for numerous Festivals and concert seasons in Italy and abroad, recently: Orchestre International de la Citè Universitaire in Paris, Primavera in musica agli Uffizi and Radio Vaticana. He regularly gives lessons, lectures and lecture-recitals in several schools and associations of Rome, at Università Roma3, St. Petersburg College-Florida and Federazione Italiana di Musicoterapia. He translated Charles Rosen’s book “Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas” (Astrolabio-Ubaldini, Roma) and recently he has written the essay The Earth has many keys. Emily Dickinson in the italian contemporary music (Mazzanti, Venezia). He took part in several radio, television and cd recordings (lately Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle for the label “Tactus”). His solo and chamber music repertoire covers a wide range of works dating from early eighteen century to the contemporary epoch.

giovedì 6 maggio 2010

No class tomorrow

Dear students,
tomorrow, Friday 07th May 2010, there will be no class. This post is just to be sure that you all know it.
See you next week with Law and Music!

mercoledì 5 maggio 2010

05th-06th May 2010: Prof. Vano on Law and Cinema

Dear all,
here the outline of the next classes (and the readings, and Prof. Vano's cv).
See you later!


May 5, 2010
Film screening
Modern Times (1936), directed by Ch. Chaplin

Short Introduction: Industrial Labour, cinema and legal history

May 6, 2010

Discussion about the movie.

From Europe to America and Back to Europe:

  1. 1936 Chaplin as “European” observer: a selection of themes of legal historical relevance throught his view of the American industrial world.

  2. Back to the beginning. An European point of view on American industrial relations at the beginning of the century: weberian perspectives 1904.

Suggested readings

Steven J. Ross, Struggles for the screen: Workers, Radicals, and the political Uses of Silent Film, in "The American Historical Review", vol. 96, n. 2 (1991), pp. 333-367

Carlo Nitsch, Prospettive dalla riflessione weberiana sulle condizioni di lavoro negli Stati Uniti, in "Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica moderna", 2007 /2, pp. 337 ss.

Prof. Vano's CV

Cristina Vano (Napoli 1961)

Associate Professor, since 2002, of Medieval and Modern Legal History at the Law Faculty of the University of Naples "Federico II". Member of the academic committee of the Research Doctorate in “Roman Law and Roman Law Tradition: the foundations of European law”. Her research focuses on Savigny and the Historical School with special regard to the construction processes of European nineteenth century legal science and to the communication strategies of scientific knowledge. Her book Il nostro autentico Gaio. Strategie della scuola storica alle origini della romanistica moderna (Napoli 2000) has been recently translated into german (Frankfurt 2008). Moreover she is interested in the history of Italian and European juridical culture of the XIX and XX century, with particular attention for such themes as the use of comparative methods , the professionalization of the jurist, the history of Labour Law.

lunedì 3 maggio 2010

Class on Wednesday? YES!!!

Dear all,

I'm writing to inform you that our next L&H class will take place on Wednesday 5th May. Please forget the post that I wrote last Friday. We are going to watch together the film "Modern times" by Charlie Chaplin and on Thursday prof. Cristina Vano (University Federico II, Neaples) will deepen some topics concerning labour law from a legal historical point of view. I hope you will all be there!

See you soon

Roma Moot Court Competition

Hi everybody!
There is the opportunity to visit the Court of Cassation next Saturday for free. The problem is that I don't think that it will be a real tour as one will only assist to a fictitious trial in the Aula Magna. In any case, it is really interesting. As far as I'm concerned, I think we should go on the 21th anyway. See you on Thursday!
