"WHO STOLE THE TARTS?": Alice in Wonderland, Chap. 11

"WHO STOLE THE TARTS?":                               Alice in Wonderland, Chap. 11
From Arthur Rackham's illustrations (1907) to Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", 1865

giovedì 1 luglio 2010

Prof. Calvo Gonzàles on Tolstoi

And here the link to the new book by José Calvo Gonzàles (the auhor of the beautiful blog http://iurisdictio-lexmalacitana.blogspot.com/) on how the Spanish lawyers of the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, interpreted, commented or simply read the work of the great Russian writer. Have a look please, it is really interesting!



Dear all,
Hélène has found out that the Law and the Humanities virus has infected also the Swedish! Have a look at this:

Do you recognize someone in the list of speakers?
